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En-Atatürkçü Düşünce Sistemi

Kemalism is a contemporary thought that aims to make the Turkish nation reach the level of contemporary civilization as soon as an advanced society under the guidance of reason and science, and to lead a happy life as an independent, equal and honorable member of the family of nations within democratic and secular rules. system. Kemalism, Kemalism, Atatürkism, Atatürk Path, Atatürk Ideology, Kemalist ideology are given to this system of thought. However, no matter which concept is used, the point to be expressed is the thought system formed by Atatürk's principles and revolutions as a whole.

Kemalism requires us to be in a continuous progress and a continuous development in the way of modernization. The environment that will prepare us for this development and progress is the secular state and the secular social order. The reason that is developing, a whole going forward progress in Turkey in the light of Ataturk's ideas, principles and reforms of Atatürk's secular and democratic society that will be held in order to prepare the ground itself. Because this is the way of civilization; because the path of modernization passes here.

Kemalism requires us to be in a continuous progress and a continuous development in the way of modernization. The environment that will prepare us for this development and progress is the secular state and the secular social order. The reason that is developing, a whole going forward progress in Turkey in the light of Ataturk's ideas, principles and reforms of Atatürk's secular and democratic society that will be held in order to prepare the ground itself. Because this is the way of civilization; because the path of modernization passes here.

Kemalism requires us to be in a continuous progress and a continuous development in the way of modernization. The environment that will prepare us for this development and progress is the secular state and the secular social order.
En-İlim ve Hakikât

En-Biz cahil dediğimiz zaman, mektepte okumamış olanları kastetmiyoruz. Kastettiğimiz ilim, hakikati bilmektir. Yoksa okumuş olanlardan en büyük cahiller çıktığı gibi, hiç okumak bilmeyenlerden de hakikati gören gerçek alimler çıkabilir.


En-Mualimler! Yeni nesli, Cumhuriyetin fedakâr öğretmenleri ve eğiticileri, sizler yetiştireceksiniz. Ve yeni nesil sizin eseriniz olacaktır. Eserin kıymeti, sizin maharetiniz ve fedakârlığınız derecesiyle mütenasip bulunacaktır.


En-Milleti kurtaranlar yalnız ve ancak öğretmenlerdir. Öğretmenden, eğiticiden yoksun bir millet, henüz millet namını almak istidadını keşfetmemiştir.